Image series 05 / 2025: Gerhard Richter
Abstract Art in Colour
Since the mid-1970s, abstract large-format paintings have been part of the oeuvre of German artist Gerhard Richter. The intrinsic effect of colour and form, as well as the inclusion of chance in the painting process, are of central importance to him. Therefore, he does not start with a found motif for his abstract paintings, but works his way towards recognizing the picture without any guidelines, very planned and spontaneous.
More than 120 works from all of Gerhard Richter’s creative phases and work groups provide insight into the entire spectrum of his art, from his beginnings in the early 1960s to the recent past.
“Gerhard Richter. Hidden Gems. Works from Rhenish Private Collections”
5 September 2024 – 2 February 2025, Kunstpalast Düsseldorf

Gerhard Richter. Abstraktes Bild, Ausschnitt, 1977; HeidICON – Europäische Kunstgeschichte, Ruprecht-Karl-Universität Heidelberg, Universitätsbibliothek

Gerhard Richter. Isa, Ausschnitt, 1980, Öl auf Holz. 60 × 85 cm; ConedaKOR Frankfurt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut

Gerhard Richter. Abstraktes Bild, Ausschnitt, 1980, 65 × 80 cm; ConedaKOR Frankfurt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut

Gerhard Richter. Abstraktes Bild, Ausschnitt, 1981, 100 × 100 cm; ConedaKOR Frankfurt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut

Gerhard Richter. Gelbgrün, Ausschnitt, 1982, Öl auf Leinwand, 2 Tafeln, je 260,7 × 200,5 cm, Gesamtmaß: 260,7 × 401 cm, Baden-Baden; ConedaKOR Frankfurt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut

Gerhard Richter. Abstraktes Bild, Ausschnitt, 1984, Öl auf Leinwand, Berlin; RUDI, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Kunsthistorisches Institut